Why Braces?

Right For You?

There are many reasons why people want or need braces. Correcting crooked teeth or bite problems, for cosmetic reasons, even for medical purposes. Some people even feel they need braces when qualified orthodontists don’t agree with them. These are usually patients with very minor problems which do not warrant months of expensive dental treatment. The best thing to do if you feel you need braces is to have a discussion with your dentist to see if they’re right for you.

Young or Old

Most people have braces fitted when they are teenagers. This is usually because that’s the point in their lives when problems with teeth are first noticed. All the baby teeth have fallen out, and their adult set is becoming fixed in position, which is sometimes the wrong one. However, there is no reason that adults cannot undergo orthodontic treatment at any time in their lives. Perhaps they did not want to suffer with heavy metal braces when they were younger, but now have the chance to use light modern systems like Invisalign or Simpli5. Perhaps they couldn’t afford the treatment when they were younger but now have a good job to be able to have their teeth fixed properly. Or perhaps theirs is a problem that seemed insignificant at first but has become worse over time.

Whatever reason, it’s definitely never too late to speak to your dentist about the possibility of getting braces. The only difference between treatment for adults and for teenagers is that it can take longer. Children’s bones are still growing and are softer, meaning teeth will move more quickly and easily. But, if you’ve made the decision to go ahead and get your smile fixed, a few extra months with braces shouldn’t hold you back.

Your Child’s Teeth

If you think your child may need braces, even at some point in the future, it is important to discuss it with an orthodontist as early as possible, in case any work needs to be carried out before the treatment can begin. If a child’s mouth is crowded, with too many teeth, then some may need to be removed and the jaws settle before braces can be fitted. Leaving it until later could affect the length and cost of the treatment your child requires.

Length of Treatment

It’s important to consider how long your treatment may take – and therefore how long you will have brackets and metal on your teeth. Some adults decide to do something about crooked or gapping teeth in preparation for a special event, a wedding, for example. Be warned that orthodontics is not an exact science and even if you are told your treatment will only last six months, it may take longer if your teeth do not respond as quickly as expected or if you do not follow the instructions for removable braces properly.